Saturday, September 20, 2008

Danced Up In Blue

La Casa Azul is the best that can happen to you on a dull Friday night, or a gray Monday morning, or a workout you cannot bring yourself to complete.
This retro-futuristic (and oxymoron-challenging) band from Barcelona is all about Guille Milikyway, the brains, singing and song-writing behind the project. Androids Virginia, Clara, Sergio, David and Oscar, who appear solely on videoclips or onstage projection screens, would be the rest of the band.
LCA have achieved the perfect mix between clean, catchy pop melodies and funny lyrics descriptive of everyday life situations. Milkyway sings about being dumped for someone cooler, eating cookies or clubbing, to a beat reminiscent of the sounds of the Beach Boys, Abba and J-Pop bands. The songs are instant mood busters you can't stop singing and dancing to.
Really, this has been one of my best recent discoveries. I hope you'll like it too. I'm enclosing some videos of my favourite songs. Enjoy!

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